What is a Modular Home?
Modular homes are transported on flatbed trucks rather than being towed, and lack axles and a permanently attached frame typical of manufactured homes. Modular home roofs are usually transported as separate units. Modular homes are built to local code, so homes built in a given manufacturing facility may have differing construction standards depending on the final destination of the modules. Such homes are often priced substantially lower than their site-built counterparts and are typically more cost-effective to builders and consumers. Modular homes can be constructed in a fraction of the time it takes to build a home “on-site” and they’re built to higher standards as well. We offer modular homes that will meet your needs.
What is a Manufactured Home?
Manufactured homes are built in factories, rather than on site. The manufactured home is then delivered and set up on your property. Manufactured homes are less expensive per square foot than site-built homes and are typically more cost-effective to builders and consumers. Manufactured homes can be constructed in a fraction of the time it takes to build a home “on-site” and they’re built to higher standards as well. There are different forms of manufactured homes such as single section, double section and triple sections. Single section homes are sixteen feet or less in width and can be transported to their site as a single unit. Double section homes are twenty feet wide or more and are transported to their site in two separate units, which are then joined together on site. Triple section homes are transported in three units and then joined together on site. Premier Manufactured Homes proudly sell’s Champion Home’s who is one of the world’s largest home builder.
What is the HUD code?
In the U.S., manufactured homes are regulated by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), via the Federal National Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974. It is the national regulation that has allowed many manufacturers to distribute nationwide, since they are immune to the jurisdiction of local building authorities. By contrast producers of modular homes must abide by state and local building codes.
Can I customize the floor plan to my needs?
Yes. You are welcome to add walls, windows, doors, etc. You can even stretch or shrink a home. If you don’t like where windows, walls, and doors are located you can omit or move them (the factory has the final say on what changes can be made.) We believe in offering customization options so that you can design a home to fit for your needs.
Is it true that your homes depreciate as opposed to appreciate in value?
No, our homes will appreciate just like a stick-built home just as long as it is put on a foundation and is converted to real property. We have had customer’s manufactured homes appraise form $100,000 – $1,000,000. We have had investors and developers realize profits in excess of $200,000 on their manufactured home projects. Just like any piece of real estate the true determining factors in value appreciation are location and condition of the property.
What must be done for a manufactured home to be considered real property?
1. The wheels, axles and tow bar of the manufactured home have to be removed.
2. The manufactured home must be affixed to a permanent foundation located on real property (land). The land and manufactured home must be included under one mortgage or deed of trust and legally classified as real estate. The owner/mortgagor intends the property to be assessed and taxed as real property.
3. The manufactured home must be connected to water/sewer and other utilities in accordance with State and local requirements.
What kind of financing can I get on a manufactured home?
We have several loan options available such as Land home, Home only, FHA and Conventional financing. To find out what financing options are available for you, fill out our secured pre-qualification application online. Once you fill out the online application a loan consultant will be in touch with you shortly to discuss your needs.
What is a land home loan?
A land home loan is a loan that includes your home, delivery, set up, land and any site work that needs to be done..
What is a Home only loan?
A home only loan is a personal property loan not a real estate loan which only includes the home, delivery and set up of the home.
How long is the term for a manufactured home loan?
30 years for a land home loan. 20 years for a home only loan on a double section home or larger. 15 years on a home only loan for a single section home.
What does set up mean?
Set up includes assembling home sections, installing pier support system under centerline main beams and perimeter, leveling home, closing up roof, marriage line close up (interior and exterior), connect utility crossovers. Before hooking up the water we require that the water pressure be regulated in order to hook up the water to the home on the incoming water line.
Do you do the foundation work or is that my responsibility?
Your foundation is not included in our standard prices. We do provide and would encourage you to have us take care of that for you. There is nothing better than a construction job done right, and on the other hand nothing worse than one that is done wrong. We would love to be your general contractor through our construction company Quality Communities.
What kind of foundation do I need for my manufactured home?
This question can be best answered by your county, as different counties have different requirements. Some examples of foundations are as follows: engineered pier system, full concrete slab, concrete runners, and perimeter stem wall. For specific questions please contact your county building department, or you can speak to our sales department at 209-744-0400.
Is the home covered by insurance while in transport?
Yes, the transport company is required to be fully insured before they can pull your home.
When do the customers take responsibility for the insurance?
The customer will take responsibility for the insurance as soon as the home is delivered to your property.
How does the process of buying a manufactured home work?
All American Modular can and will help you with every step of the process from putting you in touch with a realtor in your local area who can help you find a piece of property, to coordinating the construction with our in-house construction company. If there is any part of the buying or construction process who need help with we will either take care of it for you of can help to put you in touch with someone who specializes in that field.
Can I have my home custom built to the floorplan of my choice?
YES. If one of the over 300 hundred standard floorplans we have doesn’t work for you then we can design a home around your floorplan to fit your needs.
Why should I buy my home from All American Modular or Premier Manufactured Homes?
Simply put NO ONE WILL WORK HARDER FOR YOUR BUISNESS. While we will give you a competitive price for your home we will not compromise quality while doing so.